
Thursday, September 22, 2011

How Long Can We Be Quiet?

I often ask myself, "Where is the voice of my people?" or better yet, "Who is the voice of my people?" Its seems as if we only have artificial leaders who step up in the time of controversy as opposed to being there all of the time. We have bowed down, to the point where we have to struggle to raise our heads. What has happened to "Black Pride?" No one is saying, "Go out there and hate America," but where is the voice for us. Why remain silent? We had more of a voice when there was a white president in office then we do now. Where has our respect gone to, when we idolized musicians, actors, and athletes, more then we do our leaders? Maybe it is because we no longer have our own leaders in America. Or when we do find power in a black voice it is not too long before they are silenced.

We are not just a strong voice in music, however we don't have too many people stepping up either. We show to much black pride we become rebels and radicals to the public eye, but when organizations like the Tea Party come together, we ignore some of the racist statements that come with their beliefs. We had (1) Million Man March in Washington D.C. and now that there is a black president in office we act as if we are scared to rally together and go there and let our voices be heard from the lack of focus that America has shown black people today. We were the majority voters to put Obama in office, so why doesn't he handle issues concerning "Black America." Were we naive when we voted to put this brother in office, or were we only voting because he was black?" Either way you look at it we are not being heard. We are not America's concern. It is believed that some jobs are hiring less African Americans all because we have a black man in office. I hear them screaming more jobs, tax cuts for companies who bring their jobs back to the U.S.A, stimulus packages, and so on. The fact of the matter is that who do these things benefit? We are so quick to spend money on senseless things, that more money only means more stuff to buy. We don't know how to invest, we can't get tax free loans from banks, we don't even bring a stronger support to black businesses. Why are we so self destructive to our own people. Its easy to brainwash a child, but we are grown men and women, still walking around with a slave mentality. Go ahead and say that these words are stupid and untrue, or not worthy of being read, it only proves to me that we are not ready to truly be a powerful people that we should. To some we are no different than crabs in a bucket, but it is up to you whether you are clinging together to hold your people down, or lift them up. You have to decide that for yourself. I challenge anyone to focus on educating yourself to learn something different and find one way that America is holding us back and share it with the rest of the world. Knowledge is infinite, so stop settling at the bottom.

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